Enter the signal frequency (in Hz) and the desired Nyquist rate to calculate the sampling frequency:


The Sampling Frequency Calculator is a web-based tool designed to help users calculate the sampling frequency for a given signal frequency and desired Nyquist rate. This calculator is especially useful in the field of digital signal processing and audio engineering, where the sampling frequency plays a crucial role in capturing and processing analog signals.

How Sampling Frequency Calculator Works:


Signal Frequency (Hz):

Enter the frequency of the analog signal that you want to sample. This represents the original continuous signal.

Desired Nyquist Rate:

Input the desired Nyquist rate, which is typically specified as a fraction of the signal frequency. The Nyquist rate determines how finely the analog signal is sampled.


When you click the “Calculate” button, the calculator performs the following calculations:

  • It retrieves the values entered by the user for the signal frequency and Nyquist rate.
  • Using the formula below, it calculates the sampling frequency (Fs):

Sampling Frequency Formula:

Fs = 2 * Signal Frequency * Nyquist Rate

  • The calculated sampling frequency (Fs) is displayed as the result.


The result is shown below the “Calculate” button, providing you with the required sampling frequency in Hertz (Hz).

By knowing the sampling frequency, you can determine how often data points are taken from the continuous analog signal, ensuring that the sampled data can accurately represent the original signal without aliasing.

This Sampling Frequency Calculator simplifies the process of determining the appropriate sampling frequency for your specific signal and Nyquist rate requirements, facilitating the design of digital signal processing systems and ensuring the fidelity of sampled data.

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