Enter the diameter of the subwoofer cone (in inches) to calculate its surface area:

Surface Area:


The Subwoofer Cone Area Calculator is a web-based tool designed to calculate the surface area of a subwoofer cone based on user-provided input, specifically the diameter of the subwoofer cone. This tool is helpful for audio enthusiasts and professionals who need to determine the cone area for designing and building subwoofer enclosures.

User Interface

The user interface of the calculator consists of the following elements:


A brief instruction is provided to the user, explaining that they need to enter the diameter of the subwoofer cone in inches to calculate its surface area.

Input Form:

A form labeled “Diameter (in inches)” includes an input field for users to input the diameter of the subwoofer cone. The form also contains a “Calculate” button to initiate the calculation.

Result Display:

Below the input form, there is a section labeled “Surface Area” where the calculated surface area is displayed.

Calculation Formula

The formula used to calculate the surface area of the subwoofer cone is based on the area of a circle:

Surface Area = π * (Radius^2)


  • π (Pi) is a constant approximately equal to 3.14159.
  • Radius is half of the diameter of the subwoofer cone, which is obtained by dividing the diameter by 2.

Calculation Process:

Here is the step-by-step process of how the Subwoofer Cone Area Calculator works:


The user enters the diameter of the subwoofer cone (in inches) into the input field.

Event Listener:

When the user clicks the “Calculate” button, an event listener in JavaScript captures the form submission.

Radius Calculation:

The calculator then calculates the radius by dividing the diameter by 2.

Surface Area Calculation:

Using the formula mentioned above, the calculator computes the surface area of the subwoofer cone.

Result Display:

The calculated surface area is displayed on the webpage in square inches.


The final output displayed on the webpage is the surface area of the subwoofer cone, expressed in square inches. Users can use this value for various audio-related calculations and design purposes.

The Subwoofer Cone Area Calculator provides a convenient and user-friendly way to quickly determine the cone area of a subwoofer based on its diameter, aiding in the design and optimization of audio systems.

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