Introduction To Cooling Tower Cycles Of Concentration:

A Cooling Tower Cycles of Concentration Calculator is a tool used to determine the cycles of concentration in a cooling tower system. In cooling tower operations, maintaining the proper cycles of concentration is essential for efficient heat exchange and preventing the buildup of mineral deposits. This calculator helps users find the ideal balance between makeup water and bleed-off water to optimize cooling tower performance.

Working of Cooling Tower Cycles of Concentration Calculator:

Input Data:

Users start by providing two essential inputs:

Makeup Water:

The volume of fresh water added to the cooling tower system in gallons.

Bleed Off Water:

The volume of water intentionally removed or discharged from the system to control impurities in gallons.


Upon clicking the “Calculate” button, the calculator utilizes a simple formula to determine the cycles of concentration. The formula used is:

Cycles of Concentration = Makeup Water / Bleed Off Water

Result Display:

The calculated value for the cycles of concentration is displayed on the web page, typically rounded to two decimal places.

Cooling Tower Cycles of Concentration Formula:

Cycles of Concentration = Makeup Water / Bleed Off Water

This value is vital for managing water usage and maintaining the cooling tower’s performance while avoiding issues such as scale formation and corrosion. Properly adjusted cycles of concentration are essential for conserving water resources and reducing operational costs in cooling tower systems.


The Cooling Tower Cycles of Concentration Calculator is a user-friendly tool that aids in assessing the efficiency of cooling tower systems. By comparing the makeup water to the bleed-off water, it determines the cycles of concentration, a critical parameter for efficient cooling tower operation.

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