Cords of Wood:

Introduction To Cords Of Wood Calculator:

A “Cords of Wood Calculator” is a handy tool designed to help you estimate the number of cords of firewood in a woodpile based on its dimensions. This tool is useful for homeowners, wood suppliers, and anyone who needs to determine the amount of firewood they have or need to order.

Working of the Cords of Wood Calculator:


The calculator starts by asking the user to input the dimensions of the woodpile. It typically requires three values:

  • Length (ft): The length of the woodpile in feet.
  • Width (ft): The width of the woodpile in feet.
  • Height (ft): The height of the woodpile in feet.

Calculation: Once the user enters these dimensions, the calculator performs the following calculations:

Volume Calculation:

It calculates the volume of the woodpile by multiplying the length, width, and height of the woodpile in cubic feet. The formula for volume calculation is:

Volume (cubic feet) = Length × Width × Height

Cords Calculation:

To determine the number of cords of wood, it divides the volume by 128 (since 1 cord of wood is equal to 128 cubic feet). The formula for cords calculation is:

Cords = Volume / 128


After performing the calculations, the calculator displays the estimated number of cords of wood in the woodpile. The result is typically shown with two decimal places for accuracy.

Formula For Cords Of Wood Calculator:

The formula to calculate the number of cords of wood is:

Cords = Volume / 128


  • Cords is the estimated number of cords of wood.
  • Volume is the volume of the woodpile in cubic feet, calculated using the formula:

Volume = Length × Width × Height

  • 128 is the standard volume of 1 cord of wood in cubic feet.

This formula takes into account the volume of the woodpile and divides it by the standard volume of a cord of wood (128 cubic feet) to determine how many cords are present in the woodpile.


In summary, the “Cords of Wood Calculator” allows users to quickly and easily estimate the volume of a woodpile in cubic feet and then convert this volume into the equivalent number of cords of wood. It simplifies the process of determining how much firewood you have or need to purchase, making it a valuable tool for individuals who rely on firewood for heating or other purposes. The calculator’s formulas, which involve basic geometric principles, make it a convenient and reliable way to make these estimates.

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