Stream Gradient Calculator

Stream Gradient Calculator


A Stream Gradient Calculator is a web tool that helps you determine the gradient or slope of a stream or river between two specified points. Stream gradient, often expressed as a percentage, represents the rate of change in elevation over a given horizontal distance. It is a crucial parameter for understanding the flow and behavior of water bodies and is commonly used in hydrology, geography, and environmental studies.

Formula for Stream Gradient Calculator:

The formula for calculating the stream gradient between two points is:

Gradient (%) = (Elevation at Point 2 - Elevation at Point 1) / Distance between Point 1 and Point 2 * 100


  • Elevation at Point 1 is the elevation (height) of the stream’s starting point.
  • Elevation at Point 2 is the elevation of the stream’s ending point.
  • Distance between Point 1 and Point 2 is the horizontal distance between these two points along the stream.

Working of the Stream Gradient Calculator:

Input Elevation Values:

The user is required to enter the elevation values (in meters) for two points along the stream, typically at the starting and ending positions.

Calculate Gradient:

After entering the elevation values, the user clicks the “Calculate Gradient” button. This triggers a JavaScript function that performs the calculation based on the formula mentioned above.

Gradient Calculation:

This function subtracts the elevation at Point 1 from the elevation at Point 2 to determine the change in elevation. It then divides this change in elevation by the horizontal distance between the two points. This result is then multiplied by 100 to express the gradient as a percentage.

Display Result:

The calculated stream gradient is displayed on the web page, indicating the slope of the stream or river between the specified points.


In summary, the Stream Gradient Calculator is a user-friendly web tool that allows users to quickly determine the slope or gradient of a stream or river between two points. It uses elevation data and a simple mathematical formula to provide valuable information for various applications, including hydrology, geography, and environmental analysis. This tool simplifies the process of calculating stream gradients, making it accessible to a wide range of users interested in studying or managing water bodies.

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