Calculate the window to wall ratio (WWR) by entering the window area and wall area below.

Window to Wall Ratio (WWR):

Introduction To Window To Wall Ratio Calculator:

The Window To Wall Ratio (WWR) Calculator is a web-based tool designed to assist architects, builders, and energy efficiency enthusiasts in determining the ratio of window area to wall area in a given space. The WWR is a critical factor in building design, as it affects natural lighting, energy consumption, and thermal performance. This calculator simplifies the process of calculating WWR, helping users make informed decisions about window placement and size.

Working of Window To Wall Ratio Calculator:

Input Fields:

  • Window Area (sq. ft): Users should input the total area of all windows in the space in square feet.
  • Wall Area (sq. ft): Users should input the total area of all walls in the space in square feet.


When the user submits the form by clicking the “Calculate” button, this button perform calculation.


  • The calculated WWR represents the proportion of the total wall area that is occupied by windows. For example, a WWR of 0.2 means that 20% of the wall area consists of windows.

Practical Application:

A higher WWR allows more natural light into a space but can also lead to increased heat gain or loss, affecting energy efficiency. A lower WWR, on the other hand, may result in insufficient lighting. Architects and builders use this information to strike a balance that suits the specific needs of a building, taking into account factors like climate, energy costs, and design preferences.

Formula for Window To Wall Ratio (WWR) Calculator:

The Window To Wall Ratio (WWR) is calculated using the following formula:

WWR = Window Area / Wall Area


  • WWR is the Window To Wall Ratio, expressed as a decimal or percentage.
  • Window Area is the total area of all windows in the space in square feet.
  • Wall Area is the total area of all walls in the space in square feet.

This formula provides a straightforward way to quantify the proportion of the total wall area that is occupied by windows, which is a critical factor in building design and energy efficiency considerations.


The Window To Wall Ratio Calculator allows users to input the area of windows and walls in square feet. Upon submission, the calculator computes the WWR and displays the result. The tool provides a quick and convenient way to gauge the balance between windows and walls in a space, which is crucial for optimizing energy efficiency and indoor comfort.

In summary, the Window To Wall Ratio Calculator simplifies the process of calculating the ratio of window area to wall area in a space. By doing so, it aids in designing buildings that strike the right balance between natural lighting, energy efficiency, and aesthetic considerations. Users can quickly determine the WWR and make informed decisions during the design and construction phases of a building project.

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